Our Director

Tim Chang is a classically-trained opera singer and a native of Taiwan. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Vocal Performance from Shenandoah University and began his musical career performing with acclaimed opera houses such as the Washington National Opera. Later on, Mr. Chang shifted his focus to music education, particularly for choral music. Currently, Mr. Chang serves as an LCPS choral director and is also the director of Novasian Chorus. He is a member of several prestigious music organizations, including ACDA, VCDA, and NAfME. Through his work, Mr. Chang shares his passion for music education and helps to inspire the next generation of talented performers.

张晨临(Tim Chang),专业男高音歌唱家及合唱指挥,毕业于台湾圣德基督学院美声专业,并在 Shenandoah 大学获得声乐及电脑教育的硕士学位。做为专业声乐家,张老师于 2003 – 2010 年频繁参与华盛顿国家歌剧院的歌剧演出,与许多歌剧界大师,包括当时的艺术总监多明戈大师共事并同台,积累了丰富的演唱和舞台经验.做为合唱指挥,张老师是 ACDA 和 NAfME 常任成员。张老师任职于 Loudoun County 公立学校,所带领的学生合唱团年年在比赛中获奖。北维之声合唱团在张老师不到两年的指导下,于2018年在国际合唱节中脱颖而出,荣获合唱最高荣誉的最佳和声奖,实至名归。